What is Syphilis and what are the main causes of Syphilis?
Syphilis- introduction
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) or sexually transmitted infection (STI) that, when left untreated, can progress to a late stage that causes serious health problems. The infection alternates with periods of being active and inactive (latent). When the infection is active, symptoms occur. But when the infection is latent, no symptoms appear even though you still have syphilis.
Anyone who comes into close physical contact with a person who has syphilis can develop syphilis. You don't have to have sexual intercourse to get syphilis-exposure can result from close contact with an infected person's genitals, mouth, or rectum.
The condition is often asymptomatic in the early stages but one or more sores may be present in the early stages. Untreated syphilis usually results in remission of visible symptoms but further severe damage may occur to internal organs and other body tissues which can result in death.
What are the causes of Syphilis ?
Syphilis is caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum.
The spirochete is a wormlike, spiral-shaped organism that wiggles vigorously when viewed under a microscope. It infects the person by burrowing into the moist, mucous-covered lining of the mouth or genitals. The spirochete produces a classic, painless ulcer known as a chancre.
Syphilis is an infectious, often sexually transmitted, disease caused by the bacteria Treponema pallidum. The bacteria penetrate chafed skin or the mucous membranes.
The bacterium spreads from the initial ulcer of an infected person to the skin or mucous membranes of the genital area, the mouth, or the anus of a sexual partner. It also can pass through broken skin on other parts of the body. The syphilis bacterium is very fragile, and the infection is almost always spread by sexual contact. In addition, a pregnant woman with syphilis can pass the bacterium to her unborn child, who may be born with serious mental and physical problems as a result of this infection. But the most common way to get syphilis is to have sex with someone who has an active infection.
Transmission most often occurs when one person comes into contact with lesions on an infected person through sexual activity.
Men are more vulnerable to contracting syphilis than women.
The active disease is found most often among men and women aged 15-39 years.
Some other reasons of causing Syphilis:
Transfusion of infected blood.
Direct contact with a syphilis sore on the body of an infected person.
An infected pregnant woman can also pass the disease to her unborn child.
Having with more than one partner.
Symptoms of Syphilis
Some sign and symptoms related to Syphilis are as follows:
The first symptom of syphilis is often a small, round, firm ulcer called a chancre ("shanker") at the place where the bacteria entered your body.
Enlarged lymph nodes in your groin.
Positive serology.
Extragenital chancres occur most commonly above the neck, typically affecting the lips or oral cavity.
Rash - Bilaterally symmetric.
Soreness and aching.
Fatigue and a vague feeling of discomfort.
Close sexual contact with an infected person.
An infected mother can pass on the infection to the child during birth.
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Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) or sexually transmitted infection (STI) that, when left untreated, can progress to a late stage that causes serious health problems. The infection alternates with periods of being active and inactive (latent). When the infection is active, symptoms occur. But when the infection is latent, no symptoms appear even though you still have syphilis.
Anyone who comes into close physical contact with a person who has syphilis can develop syphilis. You don't have to have sexual intercourse to get syphilis-exposure can result from close contact with an infected person's genitals, mouth, or rectum.
The condition is often asymptomatic in the early stages but one or more sores may be present in the early stages. Untreated syphilis usually results in remission of visible symptoms but further severe damage may occur to internal organs and other body tissues which can result in death.
What are the causes of Syphilis ?
Syphilis is caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum.
The spirochete is a wormlike, spiral-shaped organism that wiggles vigorously when viewed under a microscope. It infects the person by burrowing into the moist, mucous-covered lining of the mouth or genitals. The spirochete produces a classic, painless ulcer known as a chancre.
Syphilis is an infectious, often sexually transmitted, disease caused by the bacteria Treponema pallidum. The bacteria penetrate chafed skin or the mucous membranes.
The bacterium spreads from the initial ulcer of an infected person to the skin or mucous membranes of the genital area, the mouth, or the anus of a sexual partner. It also can pass through broken skin on other parts of the body. The syphilis bacterium is very fragile, and the infection is almost always spread by sexual contact. In addition, a pregnant woman with syphilis can pass the bacterium to her unborn child, who may be born with serious mental and physical problems as a result of this infection. But the most common way to get syphilis is to have sex with someone who has an active infection.
Transmission most often occurs when one person comes into contact with lesions on an infected person through sexual activity.
Men are more vulnerable to contracting syphilis than women.
The active disease is found most often among men and women aged 15-39 years.
Some other reasons of causing Syphilis:
Transfusion of infected blood.
Direct contact with a syphilis sore on the body of an infected person.
An infected pregnant woman can also pass the disease to her unborn child.
Having with more than one partner.
Symptoms of Syphilis
Some sign and symptoms related to Syphilis are as follows:
The first symptom of syphilis is often a small, round, firm ulcer called a chancre ("shanker") at the place where the bacteria entered your body.
Enlarged lymph nodes in your groin.
Positive serology.
Extragenital chancres occur most commonly above the neck, typically affecting the lips or oral cavity.
Rash - Bilaterally symmetric.
Soreness and aching.
Fatigue and a vague feeling of discomfort.
Close sexual contact with an infected person.
An infected mother can pass on the infection to the child during birth.
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