Tips for safe blood pressure
Copyright (c) 2008 Duanphen Singhaphan
Somewhere around 25 million Americans are currently taking high blood pressure drugs of some kind. These medications consist primarily of diuretics, beta-blockers, calcium antagonists, and ACE inhibitors. But they tend to produce some serious side-effects if taken for too long a time: elevated blood sugar, depression, high cholesterols aggravated asthma, potassium deficiency, and cardiac arrhythmia.
An interesting report authored by M. Cohen, J. Josimovich, and P. J Lefebvre appeared in the scientific journal Clinical Science (81:739-42) in 1991. It was entitled, "Anti-Oxidants Show an Anti-Hypertensive Effect in Diabetic and Hypertensive Subjects." It demonstrated that such substances substantially lower blood pressure levels when used with consistency.
Spices are one important class of antioxidants. Besides garlic and onion, there are rosemary, sage, thyme, marjoram, and oregano. When regularly used in cooking, they hold blood pressure within safe limits. Besides this, there is the obvious benefit of making things taste better. If I had to choose another spice to go with garlic and onion, I would have to pick turmeric. This is ALA hair ingredient in curry powder. It has a decided therapeutic advantage in the liver. The Sabinsa Corporation of Piscataway New Jersey, market a product called Curcumin C-3 Complex, which is the only standardized turmeric extract of high quality currently available. Taking some of this everyday will help to bring stability to elevated blood pressure. (Call 1-800-248-7464 or write to Sabinsa Corp., 121 Ethel Road West, Unit #6, Piscataway, NJ 08854 for more information.
Within each of our brains, resides a tiny organ known as the pineal gland. It is about the shape and size of a single kernel of corn. Some consider it to be one of the body's "master glands" responsible for performing many multiple functions. One of these is the production of the hormone melatonin, about which much has been written of late.
As we become older, a number of vital hormones begin declining: testosterone, estrogen, growth hormone, DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), and, of course, melatonin. At one time the slow loss of these hormones was seen as a consequence of old age, but now their losses could actually contribute to the aging process. Which means that replacing them might just extend our youthfulness a little longer.
A lady judge (aged 54) I know of, discovered her blood pressure was 167 over 115, making her case extremely bad. She went to a local health food store (New Frontiers Natural Foods Market & Deli) and informed a clerk of her problem. The clerk suggested she try some melatonin, which proved to be helpful for her honor. She took two 3-milligram tablets every day for two months. By then, another check of her blood pressure showed it had dropped to borderline levels: 141 over 105.
More Resources at http://www.atkinson-diet.com
Somewhere around 25 million Americans are currently taking high blood pressure drugs of some kind. These medications consist primarily of diuretics, beta-blockers, calcium antagonists, and ACE inhibitors. But they tend to produce some serious side-effects if taken for too long a time: elevated blood sugar, depression, high cholesterols aggravated asthma, potassium deficiency, and cardiac arrhythmia.
An interesting report authored by M. Cohen, J. Josimovich, and P. J Lefebvre appeared in the scientific journal Clinical Science (81:739-42) in 1991. It was entitled, "Anti-Oxidants Show an Anti-Hypertensive Effect in Diabetic and Hypertensive Subjects." It demonstrated that such substances substantially lower blood pressure levels when used with consistency.
Spices are one important class of antioxidants. Besides garlic and onion, there are rosemary, sage, thyme, marjoram, and oregano. When regularly used in cooking, they hold blood pressure within safe limits. Besides this, there is the obvious benefit of making things taste better. If I had to choose another spice to go with garlic and onion, I would have to pick turmeric. This is ALA hair ingredient in curry powder. It has a decided therapeutic advantage in the liver. The Sabinsa Corporation of Piscataway New Jersey, market a product called Curcumin C-3 Complex, which is the only standardized turmeric extract of high quality currently available. Taking some of this everyday will help to bring stability to elevated blood pressure. (Call 1-800-248-7464 or write to Sabinsa Corp., 121 Ethel Road West, Unit #6, Piscataway, NJ 08854 for more information.
Within each of our brains, resides a tiny organ known as the pineal gland. It is about the shape and size of a single kernel of corn. Some consider it to be one of the body's "master glands" responsible for performing many multiple functions. One of these is the production of the hormone melatonin, about which much has been written of late.
As we become older, a number of vital hormones begin declining: testosterone, estrogen, growth hormone, DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), and, of course, melatonin. At one time the slow loss of these hormones was seen as a consequence of old age, but now their losses could actually contribute to the aging process. Which means that replacing them might just extend our youthfulness a little longer.
A lady judge (aged 54) I know of, discovered her blood pressure was 167 over 115, making her case extremely bad. She went to a local health food store (New Frontiers Natural Foods Market & Deli) and informed a clerk of her problem. The clerk suggested she try some melatonin, which proved to be helpful for her honor. She took two 3-milligram tablets every day for two months. By then, another check of her blood pressure showed it had dropped to borderline levels: 141 over 105.
More Resources at http://www.atkinson-diet.com
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