Music Participation Enhances the Immune System
It has been well documented that music participation increases learning skills, specifically memory skills and abstract reasoning skills. Music is also proven to reduce stress and stress reduction results in a boost to your immune system.
Abstract reasoning skills are required in learning math and science. Music participation improves these skills. Regardless of socioeconomic background, students who participate in instrumental music score higher on standardized tests. Physician and biologist Lewis Thomas found that the highest percentage of any undergraduate group to be admitted to medical school were music majors. Students who are emotionally stable and have a positive outlook are also found to outperform their peers academically.
In a similar vein, students who participate in music instruction foster an appreciation for the arts and a more positive outlook on life in general. A McGill University Study found that those who had piano instruction had higher self esteem. Others studies have concluded that college age musicians are emotionally healthier than their counterparts. A study conducted by Barry Bittman M.D. at Mind-Body Wellness Center in Meadville PA brought new perspective when it comes to music playing a role in stress reduction. Study results showed that individuals part taking in their first keyboard lesson showed significantly more stress reduction than those who relaxed with a newspaper or magazine. There have been a number of studies which demonstrate positive health outcomes from listening to music. Classroom teachers have noted that students participating in musical instruction show academic improvement as well as attitude and behavior improvement.
Music has an astoundingly positive effect on both our minds and bodies. Physiological effects include slowing pulse and heart rate, lowering blood pressure and decreasing the levels of stress hormones. Recent study findings support the theory of using music to reduce stress in a number of different situations. Music therapy is found to significantly reduce stress in cancer patients which in turn improves quality of life. Making music can reduce burnout and improve mood among nursing students. Listening to music has been found to relieve depression and increase self esteem ratings in elderly people. The sensation and distress of those suffering from both chronic pain and postoperative pain are reduced with music. Listening to headphones before and after surgery significantly reduces stress in hospital patients. Music encourages coordination and communication in disabled and distressed children. Individuals who sing often report a feeling of exhilaration that last for an hour or so. The sense of achievement one feels when actually playing an instrument or singing in a chorus or choir verses listening to music only adds to the positive emotional and esteem benefits.
Stress has biological effects that impair the immune system functioning. An impaired immune system weakens the body's ability to fend off infection and malignancy, but an impaired immune system can also produce symptoms such as fever, weight loss, musculoskeletal pain and fatigue. The three areas that are most important in protecting and bolstering the immune system are diet and nutrition, exercise, and stress reduction. Altered mood states such as depression, anxiety, and panic are harmful to the body in many ways. Secondary symptoms include fatigue, difficulties with memory and concentration, aches and pains, and problems with sleep. Music reduces stress and also enhances mood. Maintaining emotional well being is essential to stress reduction which in turn keeps your immune system in ideal shape. Therefore music has a positive effect on both the primary and secondary symptoms of an impaired immune system.
There are numerous findings that music participation increases learning skills, specifically, memory skills and abstract reasoning skills. Music in any form, instructional computer software, private lessons or choir participation is also proven to have a positive effect on general well being and stress reduction. Stress reduction is essential for a healthy immune system.
Abstract reasoning skills are required in learning math and science. Music participation improves these skills. Regardless of socioeconomic background, students who participate in instrumental music score higher on standardized tests. Physician and biologist Lewis Thomas found that the highest percentage of any undergraduate group to be admitted to medical school were music majors. Students who are emotionally stable and have a positive outlook are also found to outperform their peers academically.
In a similar vein, students who participate in music instruction foster an appreciation for the arts and a more positive outlook on life in general. A McGill University Study found that those who had piano instruction had higher self esteem. Others studies have concluded that college age musicians are emotionally healthier than their counterparts. A study conducted by Barry Bittman M.D. at Mind-Body Wellness Center in Meadville PA brought new perspective when it comes to music playing a role in stress reduction. Study results showed that individuals part taking in their first keyboard lesson showed significantly more stress reduction than those who relaxed with a newspaper or magazine. There have been a number of studies which demonstrate positive health outcomes from listening to music. Classroom teachers have noted that students participating in musical instruction show academic improvement as well as attitude and behavior improvement.
Music has an astoundingly positive effect on both our minds and bodies. Physiological effects include slowing pulse and heart rate, lowering blood pressure and decreasing the levels of stress hormones. Recent study findings support the theory of using music to reduce stress in a number of different situations. Music therapy is found to significantly reduce stress in cancer patients which in turn improves quality of life. Making music can reduce burnout and improve mood among nursing students. Listening to music has been found to relieve depression and increase self esteem ratings in elderly people. The sensation and distress of those suffering from both chronic pain and postoperative pain are reduced with music. Listening to headphones before and after surgery significantly reduces stress in hospital patients. Music encourages coordination and communication in disabled and distressed children. Individuals who sing often report a feeling of exhilaration that last for an hour or so. The sense of achievement one feels when actually playing an instrument or singing in a chorus or choir verses listening to music only adds to the positive emotional and esteem benefits.
Stress has biological effects that impair the immune system functioning. An impaired immune system weakens the body's ability to fend off infection and malignancy, but an impaired immune system can also produce symptoms such as fever, weight loss, musculoskeletal pain and fatigue. The three areas that are most important in protecting and bolstering the immune system are diet and nutrition, exercise, and stress reduction. Altered mood states such as depression, anxiety, and panic are harmful to the body in many ways. Secondary symptoms include fatigue, difficulties with memory and concentration, aches and pains, and problems with sleep. Music reduces stress and also enhances mood. Maintaining emotional well being is essential to stress reduction which in turn keeps your immune system in ideal shape. Therefore music has a positive effect on both the primary and secondary symptoms of an impaired immune system.
There are numerous findings that music participation increases learning skills, specifically, memory skills and abstract reasoning skills. Music in any form, instructional computer software, private lessons or choir participation is also proven to have a positive effect on general well being and stress reduction. Stress reduction is essential for a healthy immune system.
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