Health and Fitness Tips

Health and Fitness Tips : fitness, health fitness, health,weight loss, diet nutrition

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Hi every body, my name is Helen. I am working as medical doctor in Thailand. Thank you for vising me. Hope you like my blog.

Get Enough Sleep

Your parents told you this when you were young and it surely pays to listen to them. We’re talking about getting enough sleep – that means from six to eight hours every day. This is in order for our body and brain to recharge and function well the following day.

Shortly on Getting Slim

Straightforward, commonsense, practical advice on weight-loss and weight control based on years of research and logic! Excess weight negatively affects all organs, as well as all of them are strained. Your spine suffers the most. Some serious changes occur making your spine to change its form and the spaces between your spinal vertebrae increases. The traditional Japanese diet is said to be one of the healthiest in the world. Whatever your reason for wanting to be slim, there are some things you can do to become slim while staying healthy. If you are reading this article, chances are you want to know what those things are.

If you get going with better food and find that you feel better and begin to lose weight, you will experience that as a success in itself. You don't need to wait until you are slim before enjoying the benefits of your new lifestyle.
If your current eating habits are keeping you overweight, and you want to be slim, it figures that you need to change those eating habits. If something is not working, change it.
If you want to lose weight and stay slim, you have to change what you eat and what you do. Sorry to be so blunt, but that is the situation as I see it. And I have yet to be proven wrong, after many years of seeing others trying to lose weight and failing (in the long term).
Yoga’s power to create a state of mental and physical well being may also be put to good use for taking off excess weight. Yoga uses a series of twisting poses that stimulate the work flow of the internal organs, thus boosting metabolism to burn more calories and reduce your body weight.
Excess weight negatively affects all organs, as well as all of them are strained. Your spine suffers the most. Some serious changes occur making your spine to change its form and the spaces between your spinal vertebrae increases.
A proper diet should also be followed to support the holistic weight loss system. Try to consume food rich in fiber, vegetables, whole grains and less high fat and processed food items. Balance is essential in all maters concerning your food and no excess should be made.
Determine what your weight goal is. Or you may prefer to monitor your progress in terms of your waistline or hip measurements. Whichever one suits you is best.

Rachel Broune writes articles for health articles. He also writes for home remedies and getridofstuffs.

Calcium for Beautiful and Healthy Body

Calcium is an essential mineral with a wide range of biological roles and is arguably one of the most important minerals you should take in order to maintain good health. So make it a point to drink milk regularly and also consume other calcium rich foods, so as to promote your health fitness.Calcium is the mineral most likely to be deficient in the average diet. About 99 percent of the calcium in the human body is held in the bones and teeth. A greater percentage of elemental calcium means that fewer tablets are needed to achieve the desired calcium intake. The remaining 1 percent of calcium circulates in the bloodstream, where it performs a variety of important functions.

Women who suffer from PMS appear to have elevated levels of these hormones during their menstrual cycle. Calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) have become the "Gold Standard" when discussing supplements, mineral ratios, paired cell receptors, or many nutrition-related health issues in general. A coral calcium deficiency can lead to the following problems: aching joints, brittle nails, eczema, elevated blood cholesterol, heart palpitations, hypertension. The best sources for calcium intake are low fat dairy products, fruits and vegetables.

How calcium is advantageous for the health?

It helps to contract muscles and helps regulate the contractions of the heart.
Calcium supplementation has shown to be helpful in protecting against precancerous changes in the colon.
To do regular weight-bearing exercise to maximize bone strength and bone density to help prevent osteoporosis later in life.
Aids in the functioning of various enzymes within the body.
Coral calcium is vital for the formation of strong bones and teeth and for the maintenance of healthy gums.
This is helpful for the for blood coagulation, nerve function, production of energy, the beating of the heart, proper immune function and muscle contraction.
High calcium levels interfere with Vitamin D and subsequently inhibit the vitamin's cancer-protective
effect unless extra amounts of Vitamin D are supplemented.

This ishelpful for the crucial role in the transformation of lightto electrical impulses in the retina.
The steroids and aniticonvulsants (anti-siezure drugs), interfer with bone metabolism and taking a supplemental calcium will help with that.

Calcium protects your heart - If you're low on calcium, researchers say, you're more likely to have high blood pressure. Your body releases the hormone calcitriol in response to a calcium shortage, and calcitriol acts on the smooth muscle walls of your arteries, constricting them and elevating your blood pressure.
A small quntity of calcium is always carried in the blood stream in which it helps to prevent haemorrhages.

Rachel Broune writes articles for health articles. He also writes for home remedies and getridofstuffs.

Health and Fitness Tips and Information

The health and fitness industries are making billions of dollars every year on herbal supplements, fitness equipment, gyms, and special diets.

Statistics show that seat belts add to longevity and help alleviate potential injuries in car crashes. Thought for the day: Buckle down and buckle up.
Statistics show that seat belts add to longevity and help alleviate potential injuries in car crashes. Thought for the day: Buckle down and buckle up. Greater muscle strength, however, was associated with stronger bones.

Banana - The banana made my list since almost everyone loves bananas, but most of us think that they are fattening! Well, at about 120 calories for a medium one, loaded with potassium, vitamin C, sweet and starchy, they make the list. Bananas are also versatile.
Walking and swimming. Any body can walk and those of you who know how to swim can swim. For these two activities you do not need much gear and experts say that these two exercises have no side effects and are excellent stress busters.
Diet plays an important role in our day to day life so it is necessary to maintain the proper diet. Diet-friendly sugar substitutes may not be so slimming after all. A new study in lab animals furthers the theory that zero-cal sweeteners throw your body out of whack and plump you up.
The music may sound just perfect, and you may think that you can start doing shimmies and hip drops. That is not the case. Give your muscles the attention they deserve before and after your practice.

fast foods are higher in fat, calories and sugar than home-prepared foods, there are many healthier fast food choices. Try some of the fast foods which have nutritional data for calories, fat percentage, protein and carbohydrates are supplied.

Before we discuss the fat burning tools, let's accept that there is no overnight way to burn fat. Let's focus on the tools of fat burning rather than watching for immediate results. Start with small changes and pile them up like college credits!
Environmental stresses, pollution, and negative vibrational energy currents plague us to a degree that is unprecedented in human history. Using the science of yoga and the wisdom of the ancients, it is possible to create a space of harmony in our own homes.

Stress is a key contributor to poor health. Study after study has found that when a person is stressed, the body reacts. The result of stress could be high-blood pressure, tension headaches, upset stomachs, poor posture, and so on. Keeping stress in check will help you manage your overall health much better.

Rachel Broune writes articles for health articles. He also writes for home remedies and getridofstuffs.


I have been working with people for over 20 years to help them eliminate pain in their lives. Lower back pain still remains one of the areas that 90% of Americans will sooner or later experience. Upper back pain is also very prevalent, but it doesn't seem to incapacitate the sufferer as much, and so the statistics on it are less clear.
There are some principles that apply to muscle pain of any kind. I have started this article with those basic principles.

I want to share with you what I have found to be the keys to avoiding low back pain:
Immediate attention
Body Rolling
Self Massage
Massage and Chiropractic
Posture and Body Mechanics
Emotional Factors

Massage involves actually working on the muscles to help them maintain a healthy and vibrant tone; not too tight and not too loose. Massage can happen with the use of tools that are available, professional massage by a trained massage practitioner and/or self-massage or massage from friends.

Our site is primarily about using electrical massagers to eliminate pain. It is much cheaper than professional massage, and in many cases more effective. Especially when it is used in conjunction with immediate attention! STRETCHING
Stretching is the best-kept secret of the human body. There are 3 critical muscle groups that contribute to low back pain. My experience has been that keeping these muscles stretched on a daily basis is a very crucial component to the health of your muscles.
The muscle groups are: the hamstrings, the gluteal muscles, and the psoas muscle. Stretching these muscles is not rocket science. It does require discipline; if you can incorporate it into your daily lifestyle, it will make a big difference. Each muscle group requires about a minute.

For upper back pain, stretching is also important. However, my experience has been that upper back pain is more attributable to improper posture and emotional considerations. IMMEDIATE ATTENTION
This is a concept that you will really appreciate once you put it into practice. It has to do with the body's response to pain or trauma. My experience has shown me over and over that if I attend to my body as soon as it speaks to me, I have a greater chance of getting rid of the problem very quickly. The longer I wait, the longer it will take to remedy. So the next time you feel a pain somewhere, take some time to deal with it ASAP.

I remember once when I was working a trade show, and was leaving my hotel room with my luggage. I closed the door to my room, turned the corner, and felt a sharp pain in my right knee. Fortunately there was no one in the hall. I put my luggage down, and proceeded to massage and knead the area around my knee, for maybe 5 minutes at most. I got up, and my knee was like new!
Body Rolling is a form of body work that was developed by Yamuna Zake. It involves rolling on a special ball in a very specific way. I learned about it in 1998, and my life has never been the same. Using the ball has made it unnecessary to go to the chiropractor, and reduced my need for massage. I have attended all of the trainings available, and am a certified body rolling therapist/teacher.

Click here to learn more about Body Rolling Balls and the amazing results that can be achieved by using them.
Many people think that there is some magical or complicated technique required to give a massage. My experience is that anyone can learn how to use their hands in a way that will give pleasure and comfort to themselves and others.

The easiest way to learn is to sign up at a local massage school or community college for a massage basics class. If that is not possible, purchase a massage basics video. There are a few that we could recommend. Next would be a book. And lastly, just practice! On yourself is a good start, and then on a friend or lover. Just ask them to give you feedback. I've been giving massages for over 20 years, and I still ask my clients and friends for feedback. Every one is different, so don't take the feedback personally. You are just trying to find the pressure and kind of touch that that person prefers. MASSAGE, CHIROPRACTIC & ACUPUNCTURE
These are 3 primary forms of Alternative Medicine. If I can't fix the problem myself, they are my first line of help. They do cost a bit of money. In an ideal world, we would get some form of treatment on a regular basis. I've never forgotten the fact that Bob Hope got a massage every day! I often arrange to do trades with friends or colleagues.

Massage is good for you because our bodies love to be touched. And a good therapist can help remind the body to relax and let go of unnecessary tensions. In the past, massage was about getting the muscles worked on. The field of massage is expanding exponentially, and now there are forms of massage that work on the nervous system, the lymphatic system, the craniosacral system, and on. Start with what is available, and as you learn more, more opportunities will present themselves. FREQUENCY IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN DURATION
This seems to be a basic principle; even if you were trying to learn a new instrument, the teacher would tell you that 4 sessions of 15 minutes is better than one 1 hour session. Notice how long it takes for your body to become painful. Then plan on getting a massage a bit earlier.
We live in a culture that is very mental and very sedentary. Sitting has become the dominant posture. It is also the worst possible position for the lower back, since all of the weight of the upper body is directed onto the lower back. As a result, lower back pain has become a big business.
My recommendation to you is that you try to move as much as possible. The human body was not built to stay in one position for a long time. The problem with long term sitting is that the muscles used to sit have to stay contracted for extremely long periods. If you moved around, got up, and stretched, your body would be much happier.
The next most important thing is to try and keep the natural curves of the spine in place. This requires that you keep the lower back arched, and the head aligned, as if you were a puppet, and there was a string coming out the top of your head.

Next, be careful when bending over, and when lifting objects. Use your legs for both; bend the knees rather than the torso. And keep boxes close to the body. Imagine yourself as a lever; the further away the object, the more weight imposed on the torso. AND TRY NOT TO TWIST!! Lifting and twisting is the perfect formula for pain.
As a Marriage and Family Counselor, I have seen the power of the mind cause pain and illness. It used to be called psychosomatic illness. Now we know that probably 90% of all illness is psychosomatic.

So if you have back pain, ask yourself some questions:
How am I feeling?
Do I have any unfinished issues/conflicts with anyone in my life?
If my pain could speak, what would it say? Who would it say it to?

Metaphysically, lower back pain is considered to have to do with survival issues, i.e., money problems. Upper back pain is more about withheld resentment, and being overburdened.
Taking care of your emotional life will have profound results in terms of all therapist
eviating pain in your body. Every experience you have ever had that has not been resolved is held in the muscles and organs of the body. If your Dad hit you when you were young, and you couldn't strike back, that is all still sitting in your shoulders, waiting to be expressed.

I highly recommend taking advantage of the many counselors and therapist services available to us nowadays. Our parents weren't so fortunate; they really didn't have anyone to go to, other than maybe their priest or minister. Prevention keeps your back pain free!

John William Johnson, nationally certified massage therapist, psychotherapist, and health researcher, developed the all about massagers to help health professionals develop a presence on the internet."It's like having a mall online, where health professionals can put up their work in an "allabout" fashion.

What Water Gives for Your Body and Beauty

Water is an important thing for every human being. Many people who choose to drink the tap water in their homes will be ingesting things like fluoride, chlorine, and other chemicals that are not necessarily good for your body and that make the water taste quite strange. Water is very helpful for giving relief from the Indian natural beauty tips generally denote the herbal and natural beauty products, better known as the ayurvedic products.

Drinking ice water forces your system to rev up your metabolism, to keep the body's temperature from dropping.
The brackish water gives the final treatment to the skin. With the skin pores now closed and the body temperature slightly higher because of the climb, the lake waters will sweep away the remaining harmful residue on top of the skin. At normal body temperature, the lake waters bring back the vibrant skin you once had.
Thermal waters have always been used thanks to their theurapeutic properties since Roman Empire 2.000 years ago. If you happen to visit Italy, you can see the ruins of ancient SPA. Thermal baths and mud massages are easy and efficient beauty treatments, keeping your body beautiful in time giving not only skin elasticity, but also muscular tone.
Swimming is very essential exercise which can prevent from the various diseases and get the healthy life.
For having beautiful skin, you can blend equal quantities of cucumber juice, rose water and limejuice. Wash your face and apply overnight to rinse in the morning. Mix 50 ml of raw milk, and a pinch of salt with 2 tsp limejuice. This makes a great cleansing moisturizer as it does deep pore cleaning.
Aromatherapy can also be done through inhalation. Few drops of aroma oils added to hot water also gives a soothing effect to the mind, as the smell stimulates the brain and activates it.
Maquinit Salt Water Hot Spring is the only known saltwater hot spring in the Philippines, if not in the world. Located at the east side of the town, this Palawan wonder lies between a mountain and the blue sea whose shores are lined with mangrove trees.
Herbal Shampoo - 1/2 cup water, 2 Tbs dried (or 1/3 cup fresh) chamomile flowers, lavender flowers, rosemary, or herb of choice. 1/2 cup Basic Shampoo 1 or 2, 2 Tbs glycerine. Mix the water and herbs and heat gentle to make a strong tea. Let the mixture steep for at least 20 minutes, then strain through several layers of cheesecloth. Add the shampoo and glycerine to the herbal water and mix well. Pour into a clean shampoo bottle, and let the mixture sit overnight to thicken. Shampoo your hair as you would normally, and rinse well.
Chamomile is useful for light-colored, fine hair; rosemary and lavender are perfect for dark-colored hair.
We all know that hydration is key in the battle against the first onset of aging and to help diminish fine lines and plump up tired, dry skin.
Drink lots of water. "Our body doesn't always tell us how much water we need. Our natural perspiration makes us lose a certain amount of fluid. If you ignore your need for fluid, you feel more tired, but you'll notice a glass of water makes you more energized, so it's a vital source of energy. Water also flushes the skin of toxic matter. You should have an 8-ounce glass of water every hour during the daytime. If you don't like plain water, he suggests giving it a boost with lemon and cucumber slices, which enhance the flavor and quench your thirst.

Rachel Broune writes articles for weight loss. He also writes for medicinal herbs and beauty health.

Caffeine Shall I Drink a Bucket?

This FAQ is dedicated to all beverages and products that contain caffeine; including tea, coffee, chocolate, mate, caffeinated soft drinks, caffeinated pills, coffee beans, etc.

These are important point you must know

How does caffeine taste?
Caffeine is very bitter. Barq's Root Beer contains caffeine and the company says that

it has "12.78mg per 6oz" and that they "add it as a flavoring agent for the sharp bitterness" There is some question of the validity of the caffeine as a flavor agent argument for soft drinks.
Effects of caffeine on pregnant women. - Caffeine has long been suspect of causing mal-formations in fetus, and
that it may reduce fertility rates. These reports have proved controversial. What is known is that
caffeine does causes malformations in rats, when ingested at rates comparable to 70 cups a day for humans. Many other species respond equally to such large amounts of caffeine.
How do you pronounce mate?
MAH-teh. MAH like in malt, and -teh like in Gral. Patten.
Is it true that espresso has less caffeine than regular coffee?
An espresso cup has about as much caffeine as a cup of dark brew. But servings for espresso are much smaller. Which means that the content of caffeine per millilitre are much higher than with a regular brew.
How much caffeine is in decaf coffee?
In the United States federal regulations require that in order to label coffee as "decaffeinated" that coffee must have had its caffeine level reduced by no less than 97.5 percent.
How much theobromine/theophylline there is in? - cocoa 250mg theobromine
bittersweet choc. bar 130mg theobromine
5 oz cup brewed coffee no theobromine
tea 5oz cup brewed 3min
with teabag 3-4 mg theophylline
Diet Coke no theobromine or theophylline
How and why does caffine effect the pulse rate of a person?
The short answer is that caffeine increases pulse rate because caffeine increases the strength and frequency of heartbeats. Since that doesn't really tell you any more than you already knew, I'll give you the long answer, which, unfortunately, requires a lot of cell biology and biochemistry
How much caffeine do energy drinks contain and how does this compare with other caffeine-containing beverages?
The typical energy drink provides about 80 mg of caffeine per can (although this varies between brands). This is about the same as the amount of caffeine provided by an average strength cup of coffee, and about twice that in a cup of tea. It is also about twice the level of caffeine found in a can of carbonated, cola-flavoured soft drink.

Rachel Broune writes articles for weight loss. He also writes for natural herbs and womens health.

Mens Health Fitness and Tips

While the life-expectancy gap between men and women has decreased, it's no secret that men still need to pay more attention to their bodies. Several things work against men. More than 50 percent of American men and women do not get enough physical activity to provide health benefits. Men's Health Network (MHN) is a non-profit educational organization comprised of physicians, researchers, public health workers, individuals and other health professionals. Understanding the health risks for men is a crucial part in maintaining a healthy life. Mens are smoke and drink more than women, and generally lead less healthy lifestyles. What you eat and drink and what you don't eat and drink can definitely make a difference to your health.

Mens health is committed to improving the health and wellness of men through education campaigns, partnerships with retailers and other private entities, workplace health programs, data collection, and work with health care providers to provide better programs and funding for men's health needs. Balancing obligations to your employer and your family can be challenging.

Health problems in men
Based on your age, health history, lifestyle, and other important issues, you and your health care provider can determine how often you need to be examined and screened for certain diseases and conditions. Males are at increased risk for some injuries and conditions. Motor vehicle traffic, poisonings, and falls are the leading causes of unintentional injury deaths for males.

heart disease
physically transmitted diseases

Rachel Broune writes articles for weight loss. He also writes for medicinal herbs and beauty health.

Top Most Diet drinks and Benefits

Many low-calorie diet drinks get their sweetness from the common sweetener aspartame. While regular soda remains the king of the soft-drink industry, consumption of diet versions has increased consistently. A new health scare erupted over soft drinks last night amid evidence they may cause serious cell damage. When it comes to beverages, consider more healthful alternatives, and save the sodas for weekend treats.

The first artificial sweeteners used in diet soda were cyclamates (often synergistically with saccharin). While many say these cyclamate-sweetened soda had a more pleasant taste than the diet soda that followed them, in 1970 the Food and Drug Administration banned cyclamates in the United States on evidence that they caused cancer in lab rats. Cyclamates are still used in many countries around the world, including for diet soda.
The Diet Soft Drink Information Center is an information portal offering a variety of resources all related to diet soft drinks. The diet soft drink ingredients such as citric acid, caffeine, low-calorie sweeteners and more.
Pop is sweetened, acidic, often caffeinated carbonated drink. There is "regular" pop that is sweetened with different kinds of sweeteners and "diet" pop that is sweetened with artificial sweeteners. The pH of regular and diet pops ranges from 2.47-3.35.
Aspartame has had anything but a sweet run, since it was approved by the American Food and Drug Administration in 1981. Aspartame is a low-calorie sweetener, which was invented in 1965. Weight for weight, it is about 200 times sweeter than sugar. The acceptable daily Intake is about 50 mg/kg of body weight per day. For a 75 kg person, this works out to 20 cans of diet drink per day.
Coca-Cola and Britvic's Pepsi Max and Diet Pepsi all contain sodium benzoate. Their makers and the British Soft Drinks Association said they entrusted the safety of additives to the Government.
Diet Mountain Dew - Mountain Dew is one of the most popular citrus soft drinks. Both diet and regular have the same amount of caffeine. In countries outside the USA - Mountain Dew has either reduced amounts of caffeine (or no caffeine at all).

Rachel Broune writes articles for weight loss. He also writes for medicinal herbs and beauty health.

Get 10 Minutes Beauty

Health promotion, beauty management and healing in ayurveda rely on freeing the body of ama (toxins), restoring cellular nutrition, facilitating complete elimination and re-establishing the balance of the doshas. Organic health and beauty products, professional hair brushes and natural beauty care products are your keys to a beautiful you. Not only the lavender oil will take good care of your skin, but also ensure a sound sleep during the nighttime. The health and fitness business are minting money every year on herbal supplements, fitness apparatus, gyms and special diets. Aromatherapy also makes extensive use of lavender essential oil to massage the body and relieve tiredness.

Make a mixture by adding ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar with 1 gallon of distilled water and store it in the refrigerator. Once a fortnight, shampoo and rinse your hair thoroughly and then pour 2 cups of the mixture over the scalp and let it saturate the hair. Rinse your hair with cold water to get rid of all the drab of hair styling products.
A mixture of juice of a quarter cucumber, egg white of 1 egg, a teaspoon lemon juice and a teaspoon of vodka makes an excellent anti-wrinkle lotion. Apply on your face and wash off after 10 minutes. Use at least twice a week.
Dry your pimple with the help of a blow dryer on low heat and then use a pointed brush to target the yellow-toned concealer that matches the tone of your foundation, which is dry and has a high pigment level, to the spot. Lightly press around the edges with fingers. Set with loose powder. You can also use concealer pencil for the purpose.
Wake up your senses with the essence of cucumber or strawberry body washes. Wash your hair with the healing tea tree oil shampoo and conditioner. Pamper yourself further by using a Fuller Brush shampooing brush to lather up and massage your scalp.
Nails that are very thin and fragile are called Eggshell Nails. In this condition the nail curves over the tip of the finger. This maybe a result of nervous disorder, diet or medication. The treatment is to keep your nails trimmed at all times. If you realize that this condition is being caused by medication discontinue the medication.
People might think what does getting a massage do to make feel good. In fact, healing massage has many benefits. It can help ease pain, reduce stress and endorse good health. When a person gets a healing massage, they are actually getting the advantage of function perfection with circulatory, muscular, skeletal, nervous systems, lymphatic and can even help the body heal after a sickness or hurt.

Before waxing the brows, it is important to prepare them beforehand using a baby toothbrush to define their natural shape.
The rejuvenation therapy in ayurveda teaches ways to become naturally beautiful, which is not just limited to the physical body but extends to subtle qualities and vitality of a person. Hence rejuvenation therapy is regarded as an integral part of ongoing self-care that helps beauty be with you throughout life and a fresh start in the process of making health-supporting lifestyle changes.
The same perfume will smell different on different people because it will react differently to each person's body.
Cleanse your face with a cleanser of a reputed brand and tone it with a toner. Make a pack of fullers earth (multani mitti) a pinch of turmeric, egg yolk and lemon juice. Apply it on your face and keep it for 30 mins. Wash off with cold water and rub your face with an ice cube.
Pimples before ball, prom or wedding is the most common beauty problem. Use disinfected needle to prick it and absorb all the puss using cotton and then use zinc oxide on the area to fight off redness, quicken the healing process, as an antibacterial ointment and a protection against ultraviolet rays from sun.
The main function of moisturizer is to prevent loss of moisturizer and dehydration of the skin. It also helps speed up the process of cell renewal. It must have the ingredients that supply vitamins, minerals to the skin. There are creams that boost the natural waterproofing barrier of the skin and soothe the skin by its natural surface oils.

Rachel Broune writes articles for beauty salon. He also writes for hair remedy and skin care.

Advanced Beauty Tips

The health and fitness business are minting money every year on herbal supplements, fitness apparatus, gyms and special diets. Prepare yourself for a complete makeover as you discover the inner world of true beauty as we dispense tips and advice on every aspect of beauty from homemade remedy to beauty pageant secrets. There are many cosmetics, involving eyes, lips, face, hair, body, especially grafted for teenagers, offering more natural overall look, including natural fragrances to make you feel like a queen. basic guide to skin and nail care, including healthy habits, sun protection, and personal hygiene, as well as products to buy or make, manicures for every mood, and ideas for a spa party to pamper oneself and one's friends. There is always some fascinating commercial asking for money to help people get into shape. Most teenage girls start wearing light make-up around the ages of 12-13 as they become more sensible of their appearance. Never use large quantities of cold water as a rinse. This will only aggravate sensitive skin and thread veins and make the sebaceous glands pump out oil even harder after their initial cold shock.

Choose hair styles that goes naturally with your hair type and lasts a while between cutting so that it is easy to maintain and does not require a lot of styling products.
To fake the natural look, dab some cream blush on the apples of your cheeks, then apply light foundation or tinted moisturizer over the top. You'll get the "flushed from within" look.
Dab a little night cream in your palm and then gently rub your both hands together. This way the cream is more easily absorbed.
If your favourite nail polish is not looking so hot place a little nail polish remover into the bottle, put lid back on and shake well, this will give you a few more applications.
It’s essential to plan your prom dress, hairstyle and makeup in advance in order to look flawless and amazing.
For eyes and cheeks, use shimmery powders. They last longer and won't smear like liquids and creams. To give eyes a natural look, smear a bone or white shadow with subtle sparkle on your lower lids and brow bone. For more drama, apply a soft pink, lilac, or sky blue shadow if you're fair skinned, rose or gold for medium skin tones, and copper or bronze for dark complexions.
Always apply a moisturiser even if only at night - it is still important for greasy skin to be moisturised, as it protects the skin from UV rays.
Use natural shade of lip color or just gauzy gloss for a soft nude complexion and you are ready for the party, girl.
Apply foundation a few minutes further you have put on your moisturizer, using a make-up sponge or your clean fingertips. After you apply foundation, apply a pressed powder. Soft and delicate are the two keywords that teens should keep in mind while doing makeup.
Break free, flaunt your style, with latest trend and makeup, by getting rid of the these prisky white pearls on your face. Follow these beauty tips to experience a difference.
If you have grey roots showing, a quick touch-up with dark mascara will do until you get to the hairdresser. For blondes, try a little hairspray focused at the roots and a dusting of loose, gold eyeshadow.
Peel-off Face Packs - Ideal for all skin types, the gel is smoothed on, left to dry and peeled off. This light formulation refreshes oily areas, clears clogged pores and nourishes drier skins.
Apply one coat of brown mascara but if you have naturally black eyelashes, you may also opt black mascara too.
If you have sensitive skin you probably have allergic reactions to many products including detergents, cosmetics and alcohol that is used in many skin care products. Sensitive skin burns easily as well as can get windburned more easily.

Rachel Broune writes articles for beauty salon. He also writes for hair care and skin care.

Advantages of Swimming

Swimming is a part of many people's everyday life. This guide site is devoted to swimming in all of its forms, both competitive and recreational. Beginning swimmers need to know that ones resting heart rate decreases 10 beats per minute in water, and maximum heart rate decreases by 10 to 30 beats. The heart puts out just as much blood as in other exercises because it pumps more volume with each stroke, but more slowly. A great thing about swim meets is the camaraderie between the swimmers. Each swimmer is vying for first place, but the emphasis becomes more about beating yourself. Swimming is undoubtedly the most worthwhile excercise as no other sport or activity allows you to utilise as many muscles as you do in swimming.

By choosing enclosed swimming pools, you’re not only adding a pool to your life, but you’re also adding a place where you can relax and hide away from the world. Many Adults think that they are too old to swim competitively. From a fitness standpoint, swimming has physical and mental benefits. And whereas some people with physical limitations cannot perform land exercise, water exercise offers a perfect fitness fit. Many people understand swimming as a great pleasure and enjoy every time they go the beach or swimming pool. Mainly the upper body strength because you are constantly moving your arms and legs in order to get from one end of the pool to another. Its great in summer because when it gets really hot, just jump in the pool for a workout and cool down.

Swimming is a very honest sport. This sport uses almost all major muscle groups and places a vigorous demand on your heart and lungs, it's better than any training machines that usually use only one group of muscle. Pool water becomes more balanced due to lowered chemical use. Seldom requires brushing. Less vacuuming due to constant coagulant effect. Less backwashing. The pool remains free from bacteria, viruses and algae. The use of chlorine is reduced, and so are its harmful by-products (chloramines, chlorinated hydrocarbons). The use of pool chemicals that are harmful to the environment are reduced (chlorine, acids, alkalis) or made redundant (algaecides, flocculant/ coagulant).

What are the advantages of the swimming?
Swimming does not put the strain on connective tissues that running, aerobics and some weight-training regimens do.
It is extremely good for your lungs.
Swimming is a healthy activity with both physical and mental benefits.
One of the first advantages of saltwater swimming pools is the level of comfort you experience. Salt is softer on your skin than chlorine.
Cancer and asthma-causing chlorine use may be reduced by up to 75%. Algaecides and flocculants may be eliminated completely. Less chemicals means healthier pool water.

Better muscular endurance and balance.
Swimming exercise is great for lowering blood pressure, easing depression and stress, and losing extra weight.
The breast stroke will help tone your abs and upper arms.

Rachel Broune writes articles for health care. He also writes for home remedy and get rid of stuffs