Bad Breath: Cause and Cure
How many youngsters are afraid to kiss their girl or boy fried? It is a crying shame because the cure is available, and nobody need suffer from bad breath now. It might have been different when there was only one viewpoint on the cause of bad breath: bad or unclean teeth, but that has been proved to be a myth, and chronic bad breath has little to do with the stet of your teeth.
Sure, if your teeth are really bad, your breath will not be sweet, but it will get better after some dental work. True halitosis won’t get better though, because it is caused by more than just rotting food in tooth cavities. So what is the cause of that stinking breath that people can smell from yards away?
Bacteria. But just ordinary bacteria, and certainly not the bacteria that your toothbrush is design to remove. These are bacteria that live on your teeth and gums and that covert sugars to acids. The acids then eat away at your tooth enamel until you have a cavity. No, the bacteria that cause chronic bad breath are what are known as anaerobic bacteria; bacteria that thrive in the absence of oxygen.
These bacteria live in fissures deep in your tongue and cheeks where there is no oxygen, at least not enough to deter anaerobic bacteria. They produce noxious waste products called volatile sulfur compounds (VSC), that really smell very bad. A white coating on your tongue can indicate that you have a very severe infestation of these bacteria, although you don’t need a lot to give you chronic bad breath.
The growth of anaerobic bacteria can be encouraged by a dry mouth, where there is little saliva to penetrate the cracks in your mouth and help to destroy them. Excess alcohol, smoking and sleeping with your mouth open can all fry up your mouth, and cause a terrible smelling odor to emanate from your mouth in the morning. If this is the cause of your morning ‘dog breath’ then it will not go away after a while, but will persist.
These VSCs that smell so bad accumulate in your mouth, inside your gums and in the cavities of your teeth. They persist, and hang around, and all the time the bacteria are producing even more. Ordinary toothpastes and mouthwashes don’t touch them because they are designed to. There is only one way to kill off anaerobic bacteria.
Because they thrive in the absence of oxygen, anaerobic bacteria can be destroyed by exposing them to oxygen. There are some toothpastes that have been formulated to generated oxygen when they are used, and when you brush your teeth with these they get into the cracks in your gums and kill them off there. For your tongue you have to use a tongue scraper with the toothpaste to get it right into the fissures of your tongue, and kill them off there.
A soft toothbrush can be used to clean your cheeks from these nasty little creatures, and once you have tackled your gums, tongue and cheeks, you should have removed the vast majority of these bacteria. You can then maintain your new fresh breath with a good oxygenating mouthwash, which contains no alcohol because alcohol can allow them to return. A good chewing gum will also help to keep your smelling fresh.
What this process does is to cure the chronic condition, something that a normal toothpaste and mouthwash will not do, and then maintain a fresh smelling mouth and breath. I suffered from terrible chronic bad breath at one time, but do so not longer, so I know that this is the way to go.
Anybody with chronic bad breath needs help, no matter what their age. To get that help and make it work you have to understand what causes it so that you can understand the cure. Check out Cure Bad Breath and get a FREE Booklet on halitosis, its causes and how to cure it. You will also be given a means of curing it, and then it is up to you.