Who should NOT take Viagra

As with most medications there are certain people who are not candidates for it. The same holds true for Viagra, there are those who will not be able to enjoy the benefits of Viagra without permission from a physician, this list includes those who suffer from Stroke, Extremely Low Blood Pressure, Liver Disease, Multiple Myeloma, Leukemia, Certain Eye Disorders, Uncontrolled High Blood Pressure, Multiple Heart Problems and Disorders, Certain Kidney Problems, Painful Erection, Sickle Cell Anemia, Insufficiency of the Autonomic Nervous System, Peyronie's Disease, Problems with Food Passing Through the Esophagus, Hearing Loss, Bent Penis On Erection, or Fibrous Tissue Formation in the Penis.
Those who are allergic to Sildenafil Derivatives should not take Viagra nor should anyone that takes medicine containing nitrates or nitric oxide donors such as amyl nitrite. Viagra can have negative or counter effects when taken with such medicines. If you are not certain, ask your doctor before taking Viagra.
If you discover that you have had an allergic reaction to Viagra that caused a rash, swelling, itching, or gasping of breath you should not take Viagra again. Others that should not be considered as a candidate for Viagra would be someone that is already taking any kind of erectile dysfunction medication, those under the age of 18 and special considerations should be given to those over the age of 65 in terms of dosage.
Certain medications can cause an adverse and/or dangerous side effect when taken in conjunction with Viagra. This is true for both prescribed medicines as well as over the counter medicines. Viagra may also interfere with prescription medications that are used to treat chest pain. If a medical emergency occurs it is important that you let anyone that might be treating your condition that you are taking Viagra. Special consideration must also be given to anyone that is being treated for HIV. This does not mean that you can not take Viagra but the prescribing physician needs to know so that he can prescribe the accurate starting dosage. Recent research has indicated a connection between Viagra and Vertiflity.
No one should take Viagra more than once per day as increasing your dose does not mean that it will result in more stamina or better results. As a matter of fact it will likely have the opposite effect. A dose of 100 mg is the maximum dosage for one day. Each person is different which is why it is important to speak to the prescribing physician about any conditions or medications that you are taking prior to him prescribing your dosage.
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Thomas Harrington – Health article author specializing in men’s health issues. The author currently writes for a U.S. online pharmacy – www.edrugstore.md. Buy Viagra at eDrugstore.MD and garner an array of benefits associated with buying prescription medicines online. Visit Health Articles at eDrugstore.md to learn more about safe online pharmacies and specific ailments.
Article Source: http://www.articleclick.com
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