Health and Fitness Tips

Health and Fitness Tips : fitness, health fitness, health,weight loss, diet nutrition

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Hi every body, my name is Helen. I am working as medical doctor in Thailand. Thank you for vising me. Hope you like my blog.

Get Enough Sleep

Your parents told you this when you were young and it surely pays to listen to them. We’re talking about getting enough sleep – that means from six to eight hours every day. This is in order for our body and brain to recharge and function well the following day.

How To Breathe Your Way To Health, Healing And Success


Become conscious of how you are breathing and breathe deeply. Three times a day (preferably morning, afternoon, and night) set aside a few moments to practice deep breathing. Inhale slowly through your nose to the count of 4 seconds, hold your breath for 16 seconds, and exhale slowly through your mouth for 8 seconds. Do this in sets of 3, 10 repetitions each (30 times at each setting). Make sure you give these breathing exercises your undivided attention and concentration.

There is nothing more important to our well-being than the air we breathe. We can live without food for 3-4 weeks, without water for 3-4 days, but we can't live without oxygen (the breath of life) for more than 3-4 minutes! The deeper we breathe, the better the mind and body function. Breathe from your diaphragm (or bottom) of your stomach. The lungs extend beyond the rib cage with 2/3rds of the lungs sitting below the lowest rib. Filling the larger portion of the lungs with oxygen will literally explode your energy and scatter it throughout your body, feeding powerful doses of it to your brain and every single cell in your body. Place your hand on your abdomen and push it out as you breathe into the pit of your stomach as deeply as you can. Keep practicing this until you can breathe from your diaphragm without having to force it.

Visual breathing actually helps to make the mind and body even healthier. When you inhale, envision yourself breathing in positive energy and as you hold your breath, see that positive energy traveling through your whole body, all the way down to the cellular level, healing and making every cell in your body healthy. Also imagine that as this perfect energy is rejuvenating your mind and body, it is also cleansing it by sucking up the negative energy in its pathways, which you will release by exhaling and visualize yourself breathing it out. Breathe in health, breathe out illness - breathe in hope, breathe out fear - breathe in love, breathe out anger & resentment - breathe in success, breathe out failure, etc. This really does work! Remember, the body responds to the mind's commands.

After you have faithfully practiced your 3 sets of 10 repetitions, 3 times a day, for 3 weeks, you should find yourself deeply breathing naturally without having to focus. It is very important to follow these instructions precisely every day, in order to receive their full benefits. It takes 3 weeks to break a bad habit and the same amount of time to create a good habit. Ever so often, just check yourself and observe how you are breathing. If per chance you are not breathing deeper than before you started these breathing exercises or even as deeply as you wish naturally, then you may want to continue practicing until this healthy way of breathing becomes normal for you. Practice makes perfect, but only if you practice correctly!

Breath is the bridge between the conscious and the sub-conscious mind, particularly in meditation. By consciously conditioning yourself to breathe deeply, eventually you will train your sub-conscious mind to breathe this way on its own without even having to think about it; however, conscious, visual breathing exercises are healthy and beneficial to still implement in your daily life or anytime for reinforcement or relaxation. As a matter of fact, the reason people find smoking relaxing is that they are taking slow deep breaths that are powerful enough to calm their systems even while inhaling the drug nicotine, which in itself is a stimulant that would trigger anxiety and nervousness if not accompanied by these slow, deep breaths. Just think what the benefits would be for one who breathes in this manner, except without the cigarettes.

This tool is simple and can be used anytime, anywhere. It helps to lower stress, increase energy, aid in mental clarity, give greater control to the nervous system, put you in a more "kinesthetic" (feeling) state, and infuses every cell in your body with the most precious element which makes life on earth possible, oxygen. Use the power of your mind, along with the oxygen (positive energy) you inhale to heal yourself and your life and also use the force of your mind, in tandem with the carbon dioxide (negative energy) you exhale to cleanse yourself and your life. The brain (mind) is the control center for your body, spirit, and soul, thus these 3 parts, which work in unison to make up each individual, react to the brain's commands, so start consciously breathing your way to health, wealth, happiness, love, peace & serenity, and success.

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I am an author of health and wellness issues as well as a skin care consultant who has extreme knowledge in the area of moisturizing the skin properly.

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