No Time to Exercise?
Many people claim they don't have time to exercise, they don't have time to cook, basically they don't have time for anything.
The fact is we all have the time. Students, labourers, bankers, CEO's of powerful companies all have the same thing in common; 24 hours in a day! The difference is how they choose to organise their day.
So many people complain about how stressful work is and how they've had to skip lunch because they didn't have time to eat. The truth is it's all about prioritising. Somewhere along the line we have come to place our health extremely low on our list of priorities and values. In fact for a lot of people health only becomes a priority when we lose it. I guarantee that when you become ill you will find the time to be ill, you won't have a choice.
What to do? WAKE UP!
The deadlines will NEVER go away, there's always another around the corner. There are always things to do and appointments to make.
Take the time right now to put your health at the very TOP of your list of priorities. Don't put anything else first! If you become seriously unwell you won't be able to work, you won't be able to do the things you love and those you love won't be able to depend on you.
Timetable yourself in every day and stick to it! Decide at the end of each week when you will fit in your exercise for the following week and when you will take the time to cook yourself healthy meals.
Don't let anyone steal your time. Sometimes the people we care about are the first one's to jeopardise our time. Perhaps a friend will ring wanting to go for coffee or a family member wanting to chat, you quickly become distracted and put your exercise off for the next day. There are circumstances when you need to stray; however unless it's an emergency or you've been offered the chance of a life time, then you should stay on track.
The fact is if you want to be healthy, look great and feel great, you first have to START doing the things that will get you there in order to HAVE the results you want.
GO FOR IT! Create your time table, stick to it, and don't let anyone steal your time. Do this and you will see results!
Rosa Coelho is a Performance Coach, Personal Trainer and Sports Massage Therapist at Dax Moy Personal Training Studios in London. Rosa specialises in applying a holistic approach to health and fitness through The POWER Principles. To download a Rosa's Free report, 'Highly Effective Metabolism Boosters' go to http://rocofitness.blogspot.com/
The fact is we all have the time. Students, labourers, bankers, CEO's of powerful companies all have the same thing in common; 24 hours in a day! The difference is how they choose to organise their day.
So many people complain about how stressful work is and how they've had to skip lunch because they didn't have time to eat. The truth is it's all about prioritising. Somewhere along the line we have come to place our health extremely low on our list of priorities and values. In fact for a lot of people health only becomes a priority when we lose it. I guarantee that when you become ill you will find the time to be ill, you won't have a choice.
What to do? WAKE UP!
The deadlines will NEVER go away, there's always another around the corner. There are always things to do and appointments to make.
Take the time right now to put your health at the very TOP of your list of priorities. Don't put anything else first! If you become seriously unwell you won't be able to work, you won't be able to do the things you love and those you love won't be able to depend on you.
Timetable yourself in every day and stick to it! Decide at the end of each week when you will fit in your exercise for the following week and when you will take the time to cook yourself healthy meals.
Don't let anyone steal your time. Sometimes the people we care about are the first one's to jeopardise our time. Perhaps a friend will ring wanting to go for coffee or a family member wanting to chat, you quickly become distracted and put your exercise off for the next day. There are circumstances when you need to stray; however unless it's an emergency or you've been offered the chance of a life time, then you should stay on track.
The fact is if you want to be healthy, look great and feel great, you first have to START doing the things that will get you there in order to HAVE the results you want.
GO FOR IT! Create your time table, stick to it, and don't let anyone steal your time. Do this and you will see results!
Rosa Coelho is a Performance Coach, Personal Trainer and Sports Massage Therapist at Dax Moy Personal Training Studios in London. Rosa specialises in applying a holistic approach to health and fitness through The POWER Principles. To download a Rosa's Free report, 'Highly Effective Metabolism Boosters' go to http://rocofitness.blogspot.com/
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